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Is This Outcome Harvesting Report 'Good'? Here Are 3 Assessment Criteria

Lady reviewing outcome harvesting report

I received this question recently from a member of the Monitoring and Evaluation Academy.

"Dear Ann, is there any criteria or methods/tools to evaluate the outcome harvesting document/report?. How do we normally evaluate the Outcome Harvesting (OH) report to say it is good or bad one. Many thanks in advance."

Let me first begin by saying that the quality of an OH report can often be subjective and depend on the specific context and needs of the programme or organisation. What's considered "good" for one situation might not be sufficient for another. Below are some criteria for evaluating the quality of an OH Report. You can put the areas of assessment in a grid and assign a score to produce your tool to rate the quality of the report.

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        ​​​Ann-Murray Brown

        Monitoring, Evaluation and
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