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Hidden Gems: Job Websites You Didn't Know Existed

Are you seeking a job or consultancy opportunity in the field of International Development?

You are not alone! However, if everyone is fishing in the same pond (so to speak) the competition to land that ‘fish’ of a job or consultancy gets slimmer.

The document below gives my top picks for websites off the beaten path to help you land that dream assignment today!

You will notice that Reliefweb,, DevNet and the UN are not on this list as you probably know these ones already and everyone looks there ;-)

Members of the Academy, the document below is available for you to download (and is also placed on the Forum).

Join the exclusive webinar for M&E Academy members on 16 October 2023 at both 9:00am and 18:00h CEST where I will be discussing practical tips for starting and running a consultancy (how to land clients, setting price, scope creep, estimating the amount of time a job assignment will take etc.). Members will receive the Zoom calendar invitation by email two days before the event starts.

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​​​Ann-Murray Brown

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