Seeking Gender Indicators? 7 Places to Find Them

You may be in a situation where you want to bring a gender lens to your programme and you're looking for gender indicators to track your progress. Or perhaps you already have some gender indicators in place, but you're wondering if they're comprehensive enough to capture the full picture.

Well, whether you need to start from scratch or simply want to revise and enhance your existing indicators, there are standardised gender indicators available that you can draw from. No matter your specific sector, thematic area, or focus, there are gender indicators out there that can be relevant and useful for your work.

I've compiled a list of resources where you can find these gender indicators. All you need to do is visit the websites, and you can easily copy and paste the indicators that align with your needs and goals. Read on.

This toolkit on Gender Equality (see image below) can be accessed at this link or via a search on Google. The document:

👉 Gives a menu of gender equality indicators that may be selected or adapted for use

👉 Covers several sectors: health, education, transport, water supply and sanitation etc.

👉 Has indicators for country and sector level as well as at the prgramme and project level.

2. Indikit

This is an online platform that also gives examples of standard indicators that may be used (see the screenshot below for the web page address). The corss-sectional indicators on Gender and Age Mainstreaming is interesting.

3. Minimum Set of Gender Indicators

There is from the United Nations Statistical Commission and is a collection of currently 48 quantitative indicators and 11 qualitative indicators measuring and collecting information on issues relevant for gender equality and women's empowerment.

The indicators are organised into five themes: Economic empowerment;Education;Health and related services;Public life and decision-making; andHuman rights of women and girl children.

4. Gender Data Portal

This is from the World Bank. It categorised gender indicators in16 groups (which range from areas such as population, health, leadership and technology). You can access the portal via this link.

5. MEASURE Evaluation

MEASURE Evaluation has gender indicators specific for public health programmes and violence against girls and women. The iindicators for violence against girls can be accessed here. The other publications with indicators for areas can be accessed here.

6. USAID Gender Sensitive Indicators for Economic Growth/Trade related activities

As the name suggests these are gender indicators related to trade from the US government and can be accessed here. There is also another set of indicators from USAID that relates to Women Economic Empowerment and can be viewed here.

7. FAO Gender Indicators

FAO's core set of gender Indicators in agriculture may be accessed here.


There you have it, 7 sources of gender indicators to choose from. Good luck!
